Free Calculations

Tesla Wardenclyffe Tower Power System Notes

Attempt to decode Tesla’s patents and writings taken from 1900 to 1919. Key details were extracted i.e. power requirements, component dimensions, and articles on theory of operation.

Tesla Colorado Springs Lab Power System Notes

Attempt to decode Tesla’s notes from Colorado Springs Lab taken during 1899 to 1900. Original notes can be difficult to understand, key details were extracted i.e. power requirements, component dimensions, and energy transmission distances.

Civilization Oscillator

Civilization Oscillator illustration reveals a speculation that human civilizations emerge and collapse on approximately a 1500 to 2000 year energy cycle. Fossil fuel use was a unique and disruptive discovery in the most recent energy cycle. Graphic also speculates that there maybe be other ages of fossil fuels running on a 300 million to 500 million year cycle.

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Energy Resource Comparison Graphic

Great visual to compare the amount of energy resources needed to produce 4 kWHs of electrical energy. The amount of electrical energy used by the average US citizen is about 4 kWH per day.

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Energy Conversion Power Point Presentation

Supplemental to energy resource comparison graphic, this Power Point (PPT) shows the amount of energy resource multiplied by typical conversion efficiencies, resulting in a useable 4 kWH of electrical energy.

Solar System Drawn to Scale (Earth, Moon, Sun)

Sketchup file has the Solar System (Earth, Moon, Sun) draw to scale. Typical depictions of the solar system do not show the immense amount of empty space between objects. When drawn to scale it becomes easier to appreciate the amount of space and how rarely physical objects occur.

Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil

Free plans to assist with building a Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil (VTTC) Parts Overview and Schematic.

3D Print Vacuum

Tube Socket

Vacuum Tube Socket 3D Printer STL File


High Voltage Probe Resistance Divider Calculator

Calculator has buit in design calcs for a 100kV, 50kV, and 20kV High Voltage Probe. Numbers can be adjusted for your specific project, spreadsheet allows you to determine voltage drop across resistors and required wattage ratings.

Spectroscope File

Laser Cutter SVG file for spectroscope housing.

Spectroscope Measurement Scale (Download)

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Tesla Coil Frequency Calculator

Calculator allows user to enter tube diameter and wire diameter, calculating the resonant frequency of the coil for various lengths of Tesla Coil. User can easily see how adjusting the length of tube used to wind a coil will affect the resonant frequency.

Volts to Wavelength Calculator

Calculator allows user to enter the voltage measured across a vacuum chamber, then computes electron energy in electron volts, and then computes wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Calculator assumes 100% conversion of electron kinetic energy into EM radiation.

Sputter Power Supply Plans

Sputtering Power Supply Schematic and Parts Overview

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Solar Savings and Cost Calculator

Easy and simple calculator that gives a good estimate of how much energy (savings) your solar equipment will generate. Also you can enter your solar equipment cost per Watt and expected equipment life expectancy getting a cost per kilowatt-hour (kWH) solar energy price.

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Solar Array Needed to Power the USA

Calculator takes global energy consumption data from 2010 and calculates the size of solar array needed to meet USA energy needs. Calculator also estimates the number of solar panels needed per average US Citizen. This value is based on average per capita energy consumption (i.e. USA Energy Use/USA Populations).

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Energy Cost of Manufacturing and Deploying a Solar Module. Solar EROI

Calculator takes data on embodied energy of materials and research reports to estimate the energy required to manufacture 1 solar module. Based on an assumption of 20% to manufacture a solar module and 80% to deploy/maintain a reqired infrastucture. User can estimate Energy Return On Energy Invested (EROI) for a solar module or array.

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Solar Array Needed to Power the World

Calculator takes global energy consumption data from 2010 and calculates the size of solar array needed to meet global energy needs. Calculator also estimates the number of solar panels needed per person. This value is based on global per capita energy consumption ( i.e. World Energy Use/World Populations).

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Solar Breeder Calculator, Estimate the Energy Need to Create a Solar Module

Calculator estimates the number of solar modules, natural gas, and coal required to manufacture 1 solar module. Built in graphics help visualize the quantity of resources needed.

East Liverpool, Ohio Peak Population Calculator

East Liverpool OH Population Data and Ohio Coal Mine Production Data show decline in the 1950’s and 1960’s with a map of abandoned coal mines in Columbiana County.

Peak Pittsburgh Calculator

PA Coal Mine Production Data and Pittsburgh PA Population Data compared to show Pittsburgh’s Population decline as related to the collapse of coal production in the 1950’s.

Peak Energy Per Person

in USA from 1950 to 2020

Graphs explore USA Energy Use and Population. The Energy available per Person in the United States Peaked in the 1970’s and has declined ever since.

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