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Encyclopedia Britannica - Entry on Gas and Gas Lighting, Ninth Edition Volume 10

Published (1879)

Scan of the original Encyclopedia published 1879, extracted chapter on Natural Gas and Gas lighting. Gives a historical perspective about what was known about Gas production at the time. Interestingly Gas wells of the day were thought to be inexhaustible.

The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, with Special Reference to the Harnessing of the Sun’s Energy.

By Nikola Tesla (1900)

Scan of the original article by Nikola Tesla as it appeared in Century Magazine published June of 1900.


Chapter 10. The Earth’s Hidden Treasures - Salt, Coal, Oil, and Gas.

By William B. McCord (1905)

Historical account of Columbiana County, Ohio energy discovery and production dating from 1800 to 1900. Chapter Taken from History of Columbiana County, Ohio and Representative Citizens.


The Joseph Nicholas Papendry Chronicles

By Joseph Nicholas Papendry (1913)

Joseph Nicholas Papendry (Papendrea) was a young and ambitious Italian immigrant to America. He was part scientist/inventor and part astrologer/mystic living on the cusp of a new century.


Make Artificial Lightning

By John L. Welbourn (1937)

Modern Mechanix July 1937 issue with featured article on how to make artificial Lightning with a Oudin (Tesla) Coil.


Design, Construction & Operating Principles of Electromagnets for Attracting Copper Aluminum & Other Non-Ferrous Metals

By Leonard R. Crow (1951)

Excerpt of select pages from the book related to building the Electromagnet designed by Crow.

Nuclear Energy And The Fossil Fuels

By M. K. Hubbert (1956)

Most important paper in human history to date.

Big TC and Li’l TC

By Charles Caringella (1964)

By Edwin N. Kaufman (1964)

Popular Electronics July 1964 issue with featured article on how to make a spark gap and vacuum tube Tesla Coil.

Population Density and Social Pathology

By John B. Calhoun M.D. (1962)

Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population

By John B. Calhoun M.D. (1973)

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